Online Sermons

Online Sermons

If A Navy Seal Were A Christian (Video/Text Available)

If A Navy Seal Were A Christian (Video/Text Available)

If A Navy Seal Were A Christian

You're either "all in" or you're "all out." A Seal Operator's motto. In Romans 6:1-23, the Apostle Paul describes two paths one can take in life. One path is service to Christ, and this path leads to Heaven and eternal life. The other path is service to Satan, and that path leads to Hell and eternal death. The two paths have nothing in common, and they don't intersect. By the grace of God, one becomes a Christian in baptism and sets forth on the path to Heaven. One could choose to reject the call of the Gospel and remain on the path to Hell, but is not recommended.

If you're not 100% in for Christ, you're 1oo% for Satan.


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