Online Sermons

Overcoming Sin Is Necessary
Overcoming Sin Is Necessary
One must overcome sin to become a Christian in Baptism. As a Christian, one must continually struggle to overcome sin to remain pure. Thanks be to God and Christ for the cleansing blood that make both possible.
We have been created in God's own image. We must be holy as God is holy. We must be holy to continue enjoying fellowship with God. We must conduct ourselves in a holy manner because of the coming judgment. We must be holy out of consideration of the great price paid to make us holy.
Christians are dead to sin. We are to put off the old man of sin and put it on the new man. We have to change the way we think, so God can help us change the way we act. We must deny ourslves and not let sin control us. God will help us though temptation in a healthy manner.
(See Heath Roger's workbook "Overcoming Sin.")