
We are the Church of Christ at Lorain Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio. We welcome you to our website and invite you to our services. We meet at 13501 Lorain Avenue, CLE, OH 44111.

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PLEASE JOIN US For Worship and Bible Study

We Meet Every Sunday morning for Bible study at 10:00 am and Worship services at 11:00 am.

Our Mid-Week Bible study is conducted on-line every Wednesday at 7:00 pm. Call 330-723-0111 or Call/Text 330-590-0227 if would like to join us.

New Testament Daily reading.  Have a question?

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Jan Feb Mar 
1John 1:1-341Acts 1:1-261Rom 1:1-17
2John 1:35-512Acts 2:1-472Rom 1:18-32
3/4John 2:1-253Acts 3:1-263Rom 2:1-16
5John 3:1-364Acts 4:1-374Rom 2:17-29
6John 4:1-425Acts 5:1-425Rom 3:1-20
7John 4:43-5:156Acts 6:1-7:606Rom 3:21-31
8John 5:16-477/8Acts 8:1-407Rom 4:1-12
9John 6:1-219Acts 9:1-438Rom 4:13-25
10/11John 6:22-7110Acts 10:1-489Rom 5:1-11
12John 7:1-5311Acts 11:1-12:2510Rom 5:12-21
13John 8:1-3012Acts 13:1-5211Rom 6:1-11
14John 8:31-5913Acts 14:1-2812Rom 6:12-23
15John 9:1-4114/15Acts 15:1-4114/15Rom 7:1-12
16John 10:1-4216Acts 16:1-4016Rom 7:13-25
17/18John 11:1-4417Acts 17:1-18:2117Rom 8:1-11
19John 11:45-12:1918Acts 18:22-19:4118Rom 8:12-39
20John 12:20-5019Acts 20:1-3819Rom 9:1-29
21John 13:1-3820Acts 21:1-3620Rom 9:30-10:21
22John 14:1-3121/22Acts 21:37-22:2921/22Rom 11:1-10
23John 15:1-2723Acts 22:30-23:3523Rom 11:11-36
24/25John 16:1-3324Acts 24:1-25:1224Rom 12:1-25
26John 17:1-2625Acts 25:13-26:3225Rom 13:1-52
27John 18:1-4026Acts 27:1-4426Rom 14:1-28
28John 19:1-4227/28/29Acts 28:1-3127Rom 15:1-13
29John 20:1-31  28/29Rom 15:14-33
30/31John 21:1-25  30/31Rom 16:1-40


Apr May June 
11 Cor 1:1-311Gal 1:1-2411 Thess 1:1-10
21 Cor 2:1-162/3Gal 2:1-2121 Thess 2:1-16
31 Cor 3:1-234Gal 3:1-2531 Thess 2:17-3:13
4/51 Cor 4:1-215Gal 3:26-4:2041 Thess 4:1-12
61 Cor 5:1-6:206Gal 4:21-5:1251 Thess 4:13-5:11
71 Cor 7:1-407Gal 5:13-266/71 Thess 5:12-28
81 Cor 8:1-138Gal 6:1-1882 Thess 1:1-12
91 Cor 9:1-279/10Eph 1:1-1492 Thess 2:1-17
101 Cor 10:1-11:111Eph 1:15-2:10102 Thess 3:1-18
11/121 Cor 11:2-3412Eph 2:11-22111 Tim 1:1-20
131 Cor 12:1-3113Eph 3:1-21121 Tim 2:1-15
141 Cor 13:1-1314Eph 4:1-1613/141 Tim 3:1-13
151 Cor 14:1-4015Eph 4:17-5:2151 Tim 3:14-4:10
161 Cor 15:1-3416/17Eph 5:3-21161 Tim 4:11-5:8
171 Cor 15:35-5818Eph 5:22-6:9171 Tim 5:9-6:2
18/191 Cor 16:1-2419Eph 6:10-24181 Tim 6:3-21
202 Cor 1:1-2:1120Phil 1:1-30192 Tim 1:1-14
212 Cor 2:12-3:1821Phil 2:1-1120/212 Tim 1:15-2:7
222 Cor 4:1-1822Phil 2:12-30222 Tim 2:8-21
232 Cor 5:1-6:223/24Phil 3:1-4:1232 Tim 2:22-3:9
242 Cor 6:3-7:1625Phil 4:2-23242 Tim 3:10-4:5
25/262 Cor 8:12426Col 1:1-14252 Tim 4:6-22
272 Cor 9:1-1527Col 1:15-2:526Titus 1:1-16
282 Cor 10:1-11:1528Col 2:6-2327/28Titus 2:1-15
292 Cor 11:16-12:1029Col 3:1-4:129Titus 3:1-15
302 Cor 12:11-13:1430/31 Col 4:2-1830Philemon 1:1-24


July Aug Sept 
1Heb 1:1-141/21 Pet 1:1-121Rev 1:1-8
2Heb 2:1-1831 Pet 1:13-2:32Rev 1:9-20
3Heb 3:1-1941 Pet 2:4-123Rev 2:1-11
4/5Heb 4:1-1351 Pet 2:4-124Rev 2:12-29
6Heb 4:14-5:1061 Pet 3:1-125/6Rev 3:1-13
7Heb 5:11-6:1271 Pet 3:13-227Rev 3:14-22
8Heb 6:13-7:108/91 Pet 4:1-118Rev 4:1-11
9Heb 7:11-28101 Pet 4:12-199Rev 5:1-14
10Heb 8:1-13111 Pet 5:1-1410Rev 6:1-17
11/12Heb 9:1-14122 Pet 1:1-1111Rev 7:1-17
13Heb 9:15-28132 Pet 1:12-2112/13Rev 8:1-13
14Heb 10:1-18142 Pet 2:1-1214Rev 9:1-21
15Heb 10:19-3915/162 Pet 2:13-2215Rev 10:1-11
16Heb 11:1-16172 Pet 3:1-1016Rev 11:1-19
18Heb 11:17-40182 Pet 3:11-1817Rev 12:1-17
18/19Heb 12:1-13191 John 1:1-1018Rev 13:1-18
20Heb 12:14-29201 John 2:1-1719/20Rev 14:1-20
21Heb 13:1-25211 John 2:18-2921Rev 15:1-8
22James 1:1-1822/231 John 3:1-1022Rev 16:1-21
23James 1:19-27241 John 3:11-4:623Rev 17:1-18
24James 2:1-13251 John 4:7-2124Rev 18:1-24
25/26James 2:14-26261 John 5:1-2125Rev 19:1-21
27James 3:1-12272 John 1:1-1326/27Rev 20:1-15
28James 3:13-4:12283 John 1:1-1528Rev 21:1-8
29James 4:13-5:629/30Jude 1:1-1629Rev 21:9-27
30/31James 5:7-2031Jude 1:17-2530Rev 22:1-21


Oct Nov Dec 
1Matt 1:1-251Mark 1:1-201Luke 1:1-38
2Matt 2:1-232Mark 1:21-452Luke 1:39-80
3/4Matt 3:1-4:253Mark 2:1-283Luke 2:1-52
5Matt 5:1-484Mark 3:1-194Luke 3:1-38
6Matt 6:1-345Mark 3:20-355/6Luke 4:1-44
7Matt 7:1-296Mark 4:1-347Luke 5:1-39
8Matt 8:1-347/8Mark 4:35-5:208Luke 6:1-49
9Matt 9:1-389Mark 5:21-439Luke 7:1-50
10/11Matt 10:1-4210Mark 6:1-2910Luke 8:1-56
12Matt 11:1-3011Mark 6:30-5611Luke 9:1-62
13Matt 12:1-4912Mark 7:1-3012/13Luke 10:1-42
14Matt 13:1-5813Mark 7:31-8:1314Luke 11:1-54
15Matt 14:1-3614/15Mark 8:14-3815Luke 12:1-59
16Matt 15:1-3916Mark 9:1-3216Luke 13:1-35
17/18Matt 16:1-2817Mark 9:33-10:1617Luke 14:1-35
19Matt 17:1-2718Mark 10:17-5218Luke 15:1-32
20Matt 18:1-19:3019Mark 11:1-1919/20Luke 16:1-31
21Matt 20:1-3420Mark 11:20-12:1221Luke 17:1-37
22Matt 21:1-4621/22Mark 12:13-4422Luke 18:1-43
23Matt 22:1-4623Mark 13:1-3123Luke 19:1-48
24/25Matt 23:1-3924Mark 13:32-14:1124Luke 20:1-47
26Matt 24:1-5125Mark 14:12-4225Luke 21:1-38
27Matt 25:1-4626Mark 14:43-7226/27Luke 22:1-38
28Matt 26:1-7527Mark 15:1-2028Luke 22:39-71
29Matt 27:1-6628/29Mark 15:21-4729Luke 23:1-56
30/31Matt 28:1-2030Mark 16:1-2030/31Luke 24:1-53
